Encounter At The Herald Night Lake

After leaving the Five Continent City, Di Jiu was still quite cautious. Back then, he had not used any Teleportation Arrays. Instead, he had relied on his Spiritual Force escape technique.

Now that his Spiritual Sea Spiritual Force had attained Level Ten, which was practically the apex of the entire Small Central World, Di Jiu was not concerned about whether Shu Haolan would detain him.

If using a Teleportation Array was faster, Di Jiu would definitely do so. However, he had attained the third-stage Pioneer Sea Realm and his Spiritual Force had reached Level Ten. Therefore, it would be faster for him to use the Spiritual Force escape technique instead of the Teleportation Arrays.

In the past, he'd had to travel for several days, yet now he reached the outer region of the Herald Night Lake after traveling for less than a day.