The Cause Of The Past

"How dare you come back here! Follow me, I'll lead you out. Don't carry a saber on your back for no reason. Doing this could attract trouble," said Zhen Man in a pitying tone as she walked up to Di Jiu and looked at the red embellished saber on his back.

Di Jiu lifted his head and looked at Zhen Man, who was standing in front of him. Zhen Man's appearance had not changed much. She still looked delicate and beautiful. Her cultivation level was at the second-stage Foundation Establishment Realm, which was not considered bad in the Yalun Continent.

"Who's he, Junior Sister Man?" the man beside Zhen Man asked casually as he walked over.

"He's the member of the Di Family who escaped." Zhen Man did not hide Di Jiu's identity.

Unlike before, Di Jiu looked much more muscular now. He also exuded a manly aura. Unfortunately, he was still considered a weakling in the eyes of the Wu Family.