A Familiar Place

Zhuo Wenshu opened her mouth. She suddenly felt like she had shot herself in the foot. The reason she had said that she was only at the seventh-stage Pioneer Sea Realm was because she had been worried that Di Jiu would think that her cultivation level was too high and would refuse to work with her as a result.

She could not possibly agree to split the loot 50-50. As she thought about this, Zhuo Wenshu said, "Why don't we do it this way? When we enter the place, we will each rely on our own capabilities to get our share."

"Alright." Di Jiu naturally agreed with Zhuo Wenshu without hesitation.

This was not because he was greedy, but rather because he had to possess large amounts of high-level spiritual herbs in order to become a grade-seven Elixir King. Otherwise, all this would just be empty talk.