The Small World Planet Opens

"Moshuang is fine. Hurry up and go collect your qualification jade card so you can enter the Small Central Planet," said Xian Ze hurriedly.

Di Jiu was both Huan Mingzi's and Xian Ze's chosen one. The Small Central Planet was the best place for improving one's strength. As long as Di Jiu didn't fall after entering, he would definitely advance by leaps and bounds.

Huan Mingzi also signaled at Di Jiu to hurry up and collect the jade card.

Thus, Di Jiu ended up on the circular platform. He was now quite well-known in the Small Central World, so a number of cultivators came over to greet him the moment he walked up to the stage.

Only the best Itinerant Cultivators could go there to get a jade card.

"Di Jiu—132 points…" The cultivator in charge of giving out the qualification jade cards looked up at Di Jiu after seeing his score and asked, "How many qualification jade cards do you need?"

Di Jiu bowed and replied, "I need 13."