Beneath the Natural Hidden Array

Di Jiu felt somewhat proud as he picked up Jian Yiwu's ring. He had, in the past, tried all means to hide from Jian Yiwu's murderous pursuit. Luckily, he had been in time for the opening of the Sky Screen. However, Jian Yiwu couldn't even outlast one saber move from him.

Di Jiu's Spiritual Force landed on Jian Yiwu's ring. Within Jian Yiwu's ring were millions of high-grade Spirit Stones and a pile of elixirs. Di Jiu no longer placed emphasis on such things as Spirit Stones—Huan Mingzi had helped him exchange nearly 100 million Spirit Stones and many high-level blacksmithing materials. He paid even less attention to the elixirs.

On the contrary, the high-level spirit herbs within Jian Yiwu's ring made Di Jiu happy. Jian Yiwu's choices clearly differed from his. The lowest level of spirit herb in the ring was level-six. In slightly over two months, there was already a big pile of spirit herbs in Jian Yiwu's ring.