Breaking The Door Down

When Di Jiu took a look at everyone else, he realized that none of them knew Ji Rui.

Huan Mingzi said, "Di Jiu, if you want the Embodiment of Truth Fern Fruit, I would suggest that you wait here one more day. Usually, after the closing of the Small Central Planet, an auction is held on the Small Central Planet Square. You could take a look at the auction. Various rare top-notch spiritual herbs will be sold there."

Di Jiu was about to ask where the auction would be held when Yu Jie said anxiously, "I saw that person…"

"Who?" asked Di Jiu immediately.

Yu Jie pointed to a sect occupying a relatively large piece of land a distance away and said, "I saw Ji Rui enter the Ax Overlord Palace. I suspect that he also saw me and Beizi."