The Famous

Ji Hang said immediately, "Correct. The Ax Overlord Palace does indeed owe you a big favor with regards to this matter, Young Master Red Embellishment. Second Younger Brother…"

Mi Helong quickly took out a ring and handed it over to Di Jiu. "Young Master Red Embellishment, these 100 million Spirit Stones had been lent to Xu Bai and were only returned today. This was indeed…"

Di Jiu put away the ring unceremoniously and said, "There are more things to discuss. Firstly, if word of what happened today is leaked, you should know that I do remember everyone who is here right now. Secondly, my Junior Sister's arm was severed by Ji Rui. If the Ax Overlord Palace could provide me with any news related to the Embodiment of Truth Fern Fruit in the shortest time possible, I would forget all my grievances against the Ax Overlord Palace."