The Galaxy Sect's Defense Array

The Skygold Protectorate Lord had no plans to enter the Galaxy Sect. Huan Mingzi and Xian Ze had to head out of the sect and bow down before him personally. "Huan Mingzi would like to pay his respects to the Skygold Protectorate Lord."

The Skygold Protectorate Lord smiled. "Both our surnames are Huan, but you are lagging behind a little. Given your gifts, you are indeed being limited by staying in the Small Central World. Why don't you come to the Skygold Protectorate with me?"

Huan Mingzi cupped his fists again. "Thank you for believing in my abilities, Protectorate Lord, but I am already used to staying here."

He was well aware of what the Skygold Protectorate Lord meant. Although he was very close to attaining the actual Domain Realm, he was the least respected person amongst the three Pavilion Lords of the Prophecy Pavilion. After all, everyone knew that he would never get the chance to attain the Domain Realm in his entire life.