The Only Chance to Kill Di Jiu

"I am worried that this man has strong support, Big Brother," said Little Tree as he expressed his concerns.

The fact that this tuberculosis-stricken scumbag had been able to come to the Sky Screen, when others couldn't, meant that he was not ordinary. The Tiny Tree Root didn't bother reasoning why Di Jiu had been able to come. Why would it treat Di Jiu as its Master if he was not formidable? It had completely forgotten that it had been forced to leave with Di Jiu in the past.

"Don't worry about this man. Let's go to the Heaven Saber Sect," said Di Jiu as he waved his hand. He didn't pay attention to the tuberculosis-stricken scumbag at all.

Could his support be more powerful than Mei Bashan's? Now that he had defeated Mei Bashan, he didn't care where that tuberculosis-stricken scumbag had come from.

Di Jiu had been to the Heaven Saber Sect once before. This time, he had gone there mainly for the Heaven Saber on the Heaven Saber Peak's summit.