The Radiant Fortune Immortal Sect

Following the sunset of the Immortal World, there were still very few people who would appear.

What traveled the fastest, in both the ordinary non-cultivation worlds and the Immortal World, were rumors and not escape techniques. Using an escape technique could only allow one to travel unidirectionally, but rumors spread into multiple directions. The latter could reach every place accessible by humans.

In a short three years, a true Newborn Immortal City appeared in the Immortal World. The news that one could cultivate in this Immortal City just like in the past, before the sunset era had arrived, and one could even complete a Tribulation Transcendence to become a Perfected Immortal, spread across the majority of the Sunset Immortal Protectorate.

Numerous cultivators flocked over to the Starry Sky Immortal City. Some Immortal City Lords even gave up their positions to go there.