The Sky Screen Pit

The red-haired cultivator landed in front of Zhuo Wenshu and Xian Ze, but didn't attack. Instead, he sized up Xian Ze with his eyes.

"I am not afraid of him, even if I have to lose my life trying!" said Zhuo Wenshu as she took out her Dharma treasure.

Xian Ze's cultivation level was low, but his judgment was good. If the other party was at about the sixth-stage Domain Realm, Zhuo Wenshu might stand a chance of winning. However, the other party was a ninth-stage Domain Realm expert. His cultivation and aura were obviously much stronger than Zhuo Wenshu's. If they fought and Zhuo Wenshu didn't escape, she would surely die.

Suddenly, Xian Ze thought of Di Jiu. He cupped his fists and said, "Although your cultivation level may be higher than ours, you cannot kill us, Daoist."

"Ha ha!" The red-haired cultivator laughed. "You are only a True Form weakling! I really don't care if I kill you or not…"