What Is Coming Will Come

Yi Zhen's heart sank when he saw more than half of the sect masters supporting Lu Xikun.

Even though the Radiant Fortune Immortal Sect had killing arrays, he was afraid that his sect would be destroyed if he was drawn into the fight. One thing was certain. The people next to Lu Xikun would not show any mercy if a fight broke out. On the contrary, some of the people on his side may not give their best and withhold a trick or two during the battle.

After weighing the advantages and disadvantages, Yi Zhen hid his killing intent and said calmly, "The Radiant Fortune Immortal Sect has been working hard for the welfare of the Immortal World. We definitely do not wish to see chaos ensue in the Immortal World. Since all of you are unwilling to negotiate, in three days, I will open the Great Sky Wall Array so that you can go wherever you want. Don't ask the Radiant Fortune Immortal Sect about such things anymore."