The Outer Tripod Void City

Shangmou Tai possessed a strength of around the third-stage Grand Zenith Immortal Realm. Di Jiu knew that he would not be able to resist against Shangmou Tai's attack for long without relying on other measures if the latter decided to launch an attack.

However, Di Jiu was not afraid of Shangmou Tai, for the former was on a boat that possessed a Defense Array. He would be able to cast the saber array to trap the latter while Shangmou Tai was attempting to break open the Defense Array. The prowess of the present saber array might be insufficient for him to kill Shangmou Tai, but it would at least take some pressure off him.

Shangmou Tai's gaze landed on Little Tree and Black Fire. Little Tree was nothing. It was just an ordinary demon tree who was able to cultivate thanks to a lucky opportunity. He looked down on such pieces of trash.