Desire Relegation

Di Jiu said helplessly, "What kind of cultivation technique are you using during your cultivation?"

"The Starry Demon Art. Do you want it? I will impart it to you…" As he spoke, Xie Huang took out an ancient jade slip and handed it to Di Jiu.

Di Jiu used his Spiritual Force to scan the jade slip, which indeed was the Starry Demon Art. He had originally wanted to wait till Xie Huang told him the name of the cultivation technique before asking Xie Huang if he could impart the technique to Di Jiu. He would immediately say that he could not impart his the moment Xie Huang said no.

However, although he had yet to say anything, Xie Huang had actively given him the Starry Demon Art. Why couldn't Xie Huang be more cunning?