The Heir Of The Star Demon Palace

Di Jiu became famous for the third time in the Gigantic Tripod Liberal Immortal City, or rather the Starry Sky Tea House became famous.

Jie Guangmao, the deputy city lord of the Gigantic Tripod Liberal Immortal City, had to apologize to Di Jiu and compensate him with two million freedom points after manager Hui from the Great Fortune Inn lost his legs.

The Starry Sky Tea was well-known in the Gigantic Tripod Liberal Immortal City, not only because it had a famous manager, Di Jiu, but also because its quality was really good.

The different powers in the city, including the sect masters of large sects, all enjoyed the tea very much. In this part of the universe, if anyone served you using the Starry Sky Tea, it signified that you were an honored guest.

Unfortunately, there was a limited amount of Starry Sky Tea sold every day, so it was extremely difficult to buy it. After the first day, everyone could only buy one box per day.