Leaving the Gigantic Tripod Immortal City Far Behind

The Starry Sky Tea House was very quiet. No one came out of the building or replied.

Yu Yanzi frowned and hollered once more, "Yu Yanzi from the Thunder Yang Sect has come to pay a visit!"

The Starry Sky Tea House remained extremely quiet and still. No one came out.

Yu Yanzi lifted his hand and smacked the restriction of the Starry Sky Tea House, causing the restriction to quiver.

The numerous cultivators, who had come to purchase the Starry Sky Tea but had yet to leave, were very curious as to who this Yu Yanzi was who had dared to smack the Starry Sky Tea House's restriction. Had he forgotten what had happened to the Great Fortune Inn a few months ago? The head of sales of the Starry Sky Tea House was Xie Huang, the Young Palatial Lord of the Starry Demon Palace.

"Is anyone aware of his background?" someone asked in a low voice.