Too Much Good Stuff

"Big Brother, are you leaving now?" Jie Huang had reached the eighth-stage Grand Zenith Immortal after a few years of cultivation, so he would be able to break through the Zenith Heaven Immortal Realm after some time.

"No, I need to cultivate for some time before I leave." Di Jiu looked at Jie Huang after finishing his words. "I am going to cultivate for two more months. You are now an eighth-stage Grand Zenith Immortal, so do use these two months to attain the ninth stage. I will give you some elixirs, and you can try to attain the Zenith Heaven Immortal Realm when I come back."

Di Jiu had planned it all out. Now that he was at the eighth-stage Grand Unity Immortal, he just needed some more time before he could attain the ninth stage. Afterward, he would go through the Tribulation Thunder and go to the Gigantic Tripod Liberal City.