A Lowly Immortal Emperor Like You

"12,000,000 Liberal Points." The bid on the bidding panel changed immediately. Just because there was an Immortal Emperor expert competitor who had announced their identity, it did not mean that no one would participate in the bidding.

Di Jiu placed his hand on the bidding calligraphy Dharma Array. However, before he could write out the intended bid of 15,000,000 Liberal Points, the bid on the bidding panel had already risen to 16,000,000 Liberal Points.

Di Jiu placed a bid of 20,000,000 Liberal Points without hesitation.

He had heard that once, during an auction in this auction house, a Thearch Vine Ganoderma had been sold for 100,000,000 Liberal Points. In Di Jiu's opinion, the Time Crystal would be of a similar caliber as the Thearch Vine Ganoderma. In a sense, the Thearch Vine Ganoderma was far inferior to the Time Crystal.