Are You Sure?

Di Jiu heaved a sigh of relief when his Spiritual Sea was finally stabilized after several days.

No matter how much he wanted his Immortal Force to attain level seven, he didn't dare to consume the Grayish-Purple Lattice recklessly anymore. The lattice was definitely incomplete, but he didn't know exactly what it lacked, as he couldn't preserve it.

Di Jiu disguised himself as an average-looking, middle-aged cultivator before heading towards the Gigantic Tripod Liberal Immortal City. Unlike the others, he had the Ninth Dao Law, so he could change his aura as well. There was almost zero possibility of people recognizing him as long as he didn't get into a fight.

Di Jiu saw the gigantic arrest warrants before he had even reached the gates of the Gigantic Tripod Liberal Immortal City.

Both Di Jiu and Zimo were wanted. Moreover, he saw his picture printed clearly on the warrants.