You Are Begging Me

Di Jiu understood what he meant. This guy was angry because he was sure that Di Jiu couldn't refine the Seven-Patterned Foundation Elixir and wasn't taking the requirements of refining the elixir seriously.

Just as he expected, the dead-faced fellow said in a chilling tone, "I am giving you a chance to familiarize yourself with the refinement of grade-seven immortal pills because I can tell that you are talented in alchemy and you may be capable of refining the Seven-Patterned Foundation Elixir in the future. If you think that you can fool me, believe it or not, I'll kill you right now."

Di Jiu raised his hand and put away his storage before continuing in an unhurried manner. "I don't believe it. Doing business is all about reaching a consensus. I don't have to help you refine the Seven-Patterned Foundation Elixir, so why do you have to be angry? Bye."

After Di Jiu said that, he turned around and left, not bothering to say even another word.