Lunar Immortal Sea Storm

The tall male cultivator was actually startled when Di Jiu agreed to team up so easily. He was even about to explain that the team had just been formed recently, so he hoped that Di Jiu wouldn't be too wary of it. He hadn't expected that Di Jiu would join them without even hearing the explanation.

Since Di Jiu didn't mind, he naturally wouldn't waste time talking about it. He just waved his hand towards somewhere in the distance and told Di Jiu, "I'm calling the two of them over. My name is Ren Zhiren."

The other two members had been looking for teammates too. When they saw that Ren Zhiren had found someone, they came over immediately.

It was a man and a woman. When they came over, Ren Zhiren quickly introduced them. "This is Xue Jingkong and Lou Jia, our teammates on this sea expedition."

Di Jiu cupped his fists and introduced himself. "My name is Qu Xiaoshu."