The Ancient Glazed Heaven Immortal Fruit Tree

"Are there Glazed Heaven Immortal Fruits here?" Di Jiu responded with a question.

The cultivator quickly explained, "Yes, someone just obtained a fruit last month. The armor I sell is specifically made to protect the wearer from the corrosive power inside the Glazed Heaven Cave. It's even somewhat effective against the poison mist in the cave. Of course, I also have antidotes if you want some. The armor only costs 3,000 high-grade immortal crystals per piece…"

Di Jiu realized something was wrong when he heard that. He passed the cultivator 3,000 high-grade immortal crystals and said, "I'll purchase a piece of armor. By the way, how can I obtain the Glazed Heaven Immortal Fruit?"

The cultivator immediately gave Di Jiu a piece of crappy armor when he took out the immortal crystals. With a bright smile, he answered, "You just have to put on the armor and enter the cave for a chance to obtain the Glazed Heaven Immortal Fruit…"