The Brilliant Lake Is Destroyed

Di Jiu, who also understood that the Brilliant Lake was the array core of the Confinement Killing Array, was ecstatic. He had not spent a great deal of effort. Who would have known that such a big Brilliant Lake would have just a natural array flag?

The instant the Confinement Killing Array core was destroyed, Di Jiu snatched away the real Green Lotus Flag from Ye Xi with one hand. His Nomological Array flags were all around them and as long as the Confinement Killing Array was no use to him, he would be the king of this space.

The Confinement Killing Array completely fell apart when the Green Lotus Flag was snatched away.

Zhong Ao immediately felt the Confinement Killing Array that had trapped them rapidly weakening, so he threw himself at Ye Xi without the slightest hesitation. His domain aura enveloped Ye Xi completely.