Heading Out For Training

On the South Elixir Mountain, Shen Ziyu was looking a little pale. Only she knew that the lack of color on her face was not because of fear, but because of the injuries she had sustained. They had been caused by Di Jiu.

She had already begged Di Jiu, but he had not even bothered to reply to her message.

"Everyone, please be careful. They were killed by that demon beast here previously," cautioned Luo Weike solemnly as he unsheathed his scimitar.

The three of them carefully crossed the uneven valley. Soon, they were stupefied. Before them lay a huge demon beast in a pool of blood. Its head had been chopped into half.

"It's really dead…" muttered Tang Xueshan in disbelief.

Everyone was similarly stunned. How could this be possible? How had Di Jiu managed to accomplish such a feat? When had he killed this demon beast?