Creating Dao

Nong Xiuqi was currently in the Foundation Establishment Realm and her desire for food had been reduced drastically. She almost had zero need for consumption. Shen Ziyu, on the other hand, needed food when she entered reclusive cultivation.

Fortunately, there were many wild beasts here. Nong Xiuqi managed to hunt a snow bear under the snow layer. If this had happened in the past, she could only have extracted the blood of the bear. Now, however, she could cook the body. Shen Ziyu was evidently a cultivation manic. She would only open her eyes to eat something when she was experiencing extreme hunger. Then, she would continue her reclusive cultivation.

A snow bear was sufficient to last Shen Ziyu for half a year.

Nong Xiuqi had provided her with abundant cultivating resources, and Shen Ziyu's aptitude was very impressive as well. In five months, Shen Ziyu had attained the fourth-stage Qi Refinement Realm. Her improvement was drastic.