Who Is the Fourth Person

Di Jiu refined six nine-patterned Emperor Gamma Pills in half an hour and inserted them into the stone gates leading to the fourth floor of the Dai He Hall.

There was a series of rumbling sounds before the fourth floor of the Dai He Hall opened.

72 supreme-grade immortal spirit meridians were placed in the hall, aligning with Di Jiu's prediction.

Di Jiu had yet to enter the main gates of the Dai He Hall when he was enveloped by boundless Heaven Earth Essence Energy. The level of this Essence Energy was inferior to the Green Essence Energy Meridian, but he felt refreshed because this Heaven Earth Essence Energy had been created with many supreme-grade immortal spirit meridians gathered at the same place.

These supreme-grade immortal spirit meridians were exactly what Di Jiu needed the most. By taking one step forward, he stepped into the center of the Dai He Hall.

Placed in the very center of the 72 supreme-grade immortal spirit meridians was a box.