Ripping Apart the Heaven Earth Law

"Not bad, I'm Di Jiu. Is Geng Ji here?" Di Jiu became somewhat displeased, as this bastard was still ignoring his question even though he had asked so clearly.

"Your saber is good too." Xing Jing'ang's attention was on the saber behind Di Jiu, so he still did not answer his question directly.

Di Jiu, who hated this way of shifting the topic, activated the nomological array he had set up.

Boom! The huge palace behind Xing Jing'ang started exploding and a frantic Immortal Essence aura also exploded. The magnificent hall collapsed, destroying all the restrictions inside.

Di Jiu's Spiritual Force could clearly scan Geng Ji and Chi Yuanqing. Both of them were imprisoned on top of a huge censer with all kinds of mysterious and esoteric restrictions fluctuating around them.

Xing Jing'ang stared blankly at his magnificent palace, which was being destroyed, and froze for a moment. He was wondering how this could be possible.