Di Jiu's Battle

"The next wave of worm attacks should occur between one to four hours later. Dao-Seeking Union, guard Position A. Stretch the perimeter according to your numbers. The rest of the groups should do this as well. North Itinerant Coalition, guard Position B; Golden Saber Union, Position C…"

Following Mu Jie's commands, Di Jiu saw that the groups of cultivators started spreading out. The Dao-Seeking Union, which consisted of around 100 people, spread out to occupy a distance of around 500 feet. The North Itinerant Coalition, which had around 70 people, spread out to occupy around 350 feet…

Di Jiu realized that this assigning method was meant to ensure that two people would be in charge of guarding 10 feet. It was of no wonder that around 1,000 people would come here each time.

The assignment ended quickly. Di Jiu and Zhuo Wujia were the last to be assigned. However, there were still around 30 feet left, which would usually be guarded by six people.