Acquaintance From the Wormhole

Monarch Li Tu evidently took no heed of the few cultivators gossiping about him. He swiftly entered an elixir pill store.

Thinking back on how he had offended several apex experts when he had just arrived in the Dao World, Di Jiu only felt resignation. Zhong You and Jiang Dai probably did not know who he was. As for Xu Baishang, he had saved this bastard but offended the latter as well.

Regardless of whether the Void Mountain belonged to Xu Baishang's family, Xu Baishang would definitely not let him off if he knew that he had taken away the Void Mountain. Xu Baishang left one drop of Blood Essence on him so that self-conceited fellow would certainly not know that Di Jiu had come to the Dao World if he did not take that Blood Essence drop out.