The Top Escape Technique

When An Tuning heard that Xun Qi had been killed, she was shocked. Xun Qi had advanced to the Dao Birth not too long ago, while Di Jiu should be a Dao Modeling cultivator. How could he have killed him?

The gap between the Dao Modeling and the Dao Birth could not be made up just by the strength of the Divine Essence. It also involved the understanding of the Heaven Earth Dao, how strong the Spiritual Force was, the level of the domain, and so on.

No matter how heaven-defying Di Jiu was, he could not have killed a Dao Birth Realm expert at the Dao Modeling Realm.

She naturally was unaware that after Di Jiu had killed Xun Qi, he had sighed. After all, he had overestimated a Dao Birth cultivator.

As the First Evolution Dao Sect's Sect Master, Fei Xuan knew better than anyone else and did not look good now. Since there were too many factions in the First Evolution Dao Sect, they had always been suppressed by the other sects.