Jiang Dai from the Dai He Hall

A piece of news spread like wildfire in the entire Dao World almost as soon as it happened: Jiang Dai from the Dai He Hall had flown off the handle once again.

Jiang Dai had gone to the Great Buddha Mountain and asked the sect to hand Ding Chi over. However, the Great Buddha Mountain had refused adamantly without even bothering to ask why. After all, this was different from the Azure Sacred Elixir Sect of the past.

In a fit of anger, Jiang Dai had smashed the gates of the Great Buddha Mountain into pieces. Three Primordial Chaos experts and seven peak Primordial Dao experts from the Great Buddha Mountain had joined forces to attack Jiang Dai.

This battle had destroyed half of the Great Buddha Mountain in the end. Jiang Dai had killed two Primordial Chaos experts and four peak Primordial Dao experts. The price he had paid to do that? Some insignificant injuries.