No One Can Take Them Away

Di Jiu did not possess the capabilities to stop anyone from hunting the Search Lake Mythical Bird but he swore to never hunt them himself. Sometimes, birds might be even nobler than humans. He had great respect for the love of the Blue Devout Mythical Birds.

Two days passed quickly. Xue Yu kept his word and sought out Di Jiu before the latter could send him a message. "Let's go, Daoist Di. We will go to the trade meeting. You can join me on my flying boat if you don't mind."

Xue Yu was only saying this out of courtesy. Only a fool would sit on a stranger's flying boat. Di Jiu and Xue Yu could only be considered strangers, as they had only met once.

Therefore, Xue Yu said this casually and did not think that Di Jiu would take him up on his offer. He felt that it would be natural if Di Jiu took out his own flying boat later.

"Thank you, Daoist Xue." Di Jiu thanked him and joined him on his flying boat. This was something Xue Yu had not expected to happen.