The Absolute Jade Tincture Dao Fruit

The Starry Dao Pill was a Primordial Dao pill used to help cultivators gain insight into various top-notch starry supernormal abilities. This was not the most important purpose, however. Most importantly, the Starry Dao Pill was the best healing Dao pill when one's Dao Validation failed and their Dao foundation suffered damage.

In this vast void, the cultivators who had damaged their Dao foundation due to failing Dao Validation were countless. Thus, the value of the Starry Dao Pill was evident.

Di Jiu closed the jade box in his hand and handed it back to Lu Zhifan. "I'm sorry. The Starry Dao Pill is a Primordial Dao Dao pill, something I'm currently incapable of refining. However, I could refine Dao Transformation Dao pills."

Di Jiu had assumed that many cultivators would seek him to refine Primordial Dao pills. This meant that he could achieve a breakthrough here and become a Primordial Dao Alchemy Saint after receiving many Primordial Dao fruits.