You're Lying

Fan Yuan sighed, still pretending to smile as though he was relaxed while he said, "Brother Di, please tell me. As long as I, Fan Yuan, can help, I will do it at any cost."

Di Jiu chuckled. "Brother Fan, you can certainly help with this. Recently, I made some improvements in my Alchemy Dao. I want to open an elixir dispensary here to acquire Dao fruits. I saw that the Void Booth Elixir Dispensary of Brother Fan is very big. I wonder if you could share half with me?"

Fan Yuan was stunned. He had not expected that Di Jiu would want the shop. Should he give it or not? Just now, he had clearly said he would go all out.

If it had been something else, as long as it did not need to be done immediately, Fan Yuan would definitely have agreed to it verbally and then put it off slowly. He could settle this matter right now. However, Fan Yuan really regretted his superfluous decision to come to the Dao Fruit Pagoda Square.