Meeting Old Friends

When Di Jiu saw that the woman before him had great changes in her appearance, he immediately remembered who it was. Heng Shuangqi! This should be the woman rescued by him from the Wormhole. However, he had not expected her to still be here.

"Brother Di…" Shen Changshui went over with cupped fists.

Even though he was more qualified than Di Jiu, Di Jiu had left the Wormhole Defense District first. He had heard that he had escaped the pursuit of Ni Xiren and Sha Wushang. He knew better than anyone at the moment that Di Jiu was not just a little bit more formidable than him. What he could not understand was why Di Jiu had come out of the Wormhole again.

What he wanted to know was how Di Jiu had gotten away from Ni Xiren and Sha Wushang this time, as he was sure that as long as Di Jiu appeared in the Wormhole Defense District, Ni Xiren and Sha Wushang would know immediately.