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"No, Di Jiu. Even if I die, I will never beg for mercy like this!" shouted Lan Ru hurriedly upon hearing Di Jiu's words and seeing that he was going to do his utmost.

Liu Zi'er was also stunned. She had not expected Di Jiu to be so loyal as to exchange his life for theirs. Although she believed that he would not succeed, his words unexpectedly stirred up her emotions slightly.

Dazed, Zhen Man also looked at Di Jiu, unable to understand what he was thinking. Could he have a different opinion about her?

Back when he had been arrogant, Di Jiu had been pursuing her because he'd had a crush on her. Later on, he had surpassed her by far and had no longer looked at her, completely forgetting his love for her. Was it because of her current status that far surpassed his that he once again thought the same way? If this was the case, then he really liked pursuing the unreachable.