The Only Survivor

Ling Xiaoshuang's flying boat accelerated. In just half an hour, the flying boat had arrived at the periphery of this huge castle.

Di Jiu and Ling Xiaoshuang now saw it clearly. How was this a castle? This was clearly a huge castle-shaped void ship.

The huge void ship just stayed in the void. Di Jiu and Ling Xiaoshuang were too far away, so they had mistakenly thought it was a castle.

"There is no land here. Why did this huge ship stop here?" Ling Xiaoshuang asked in confusion.

She had often seen such huge void ships. However, huge void ships would not normally stop there unless they saw a drifting Star Continent. This drifting Star Continent contained a lot of good stuff, so the huge void ship would temporarily stop and let the people inside look for opportunities in the Star Continent.