Where Did She Come From?

"This is a floating Star Continent." While standing outside the Defense Array of this Star Continent, Ling Xiaoshuang could immediately see that.

A floating Star Continent was not a Star Continent but a Star Continent that abruptly appeared in the void. Once this kind of Star Continent appeared abruptly, it would also abruptly disappear. Therefore, the laws in such a Star Continent were generally incomplete. Even though there were many cultivators in the void, they could only lodge temporarily in this kind of Star Continent or trade some useful things.

The stability of a floating Star Continent was not even as good as the stability of some void cities.

Di Jiu also saw two void array characters floating outside the floating Star Continent: One Way.

"It looks like it's a locked-up space by a more artistic guy. We will go in later," Di Jiu said before he got ready to set up array flags.