Martial Arts Breakthrough

Now that the hardest part was out of the way, Di Jiu took one step forward without hesitation and landed outside the City Lord Manor, punching out at the same time.

Crack! One punch of his pulverized the City Lord Manor's restrictions. Several cultivators standing far away saw what Di Jiu had done and hastily fled.

The City Lord Manor belonged to the Nie Family. Only death would await those involved with anyone who stirred up trouble there.

Nie Qianzhang, who was cultivating, suddenly stood up and ran out while hollering, "Who was it? Who dared to invade the Nie Family's cave abode?"

Di Jiu sized Nie Qianzhang up before speaking. "Did your father not tell you that I am Di Jiu?"

"It was you?" Nie Qianzhang finally came to the realization that before him stood Di Jiu, the person who had killed Nie Baichi.