The Chaos Wooden Zither

The violent Fist Mountains then made a cracking sound. Xing Xi's domain had completely shattered, and Di Jiu was overjoyed. This woman had not left after her domain had shattered. As long as his fist aura showed up, she would not be able to flee no matter what techniques she had. It seemed like he had overestimated her.

Crack! A faint blue glow exploded and Di Jiu's continuous fist aura suddenly paused as though it had been obstructed by a thin layer of light.

A moment later, Di Jiu heard every inch of Xing Xi's bones cracking before she opened her mouth to spit out an arrow of blood. Then, she disappeared without a trace.

Di Jiu didn't go after Xing Xi. He had not misjudged this woman, whom he really couldn't kill. Furthermore, he knew that Xing Xi had not gone far. She had stopped just 1,000 feet away from him.

That layer of blue light armor was a top-notch defensive treasure.