A Burning Anxiety

The pain of burning one's soul was not what ordinary cultivators absolutely could withstand. Nong Xiuqi believed that she had been suffering too much while looking for Di Jiu. When her soul was burning, she still could not control her movements.

The moment her soul burned, Nong Xiuqi felt that her entire body was shattered into pieces of scraps. She could only issue her indistinct position thanks to the pain from deep within her soul. Then, she could no longer say a word, tell Di Jiu who had harmed her, or send a message telling him not to come over.

At this moment, Nong Xiuqi couldn't do so even if she wanted to die. There was a deep fear in her heart. She was not afraid that she was about to perish, but that she could not perish.

Nong Xiuqi believed that after she sent a message to Di Jiu, she would die immediately because she absolutely did not want to fall into the hands of Fu Buwen.