The Lost Dao World

A tall male cultivator, who had a somewhat dull skin and extreme vicissitudes revealed all over him, stood across Ling Xiaoshuang. His hair also looked a little messy and he was seemingly only at the early-stage Dao Integration Realm on the surface.

Upon hearing Ling Xiaoshuang's words, this tall man frowned, seemingly thinking about something. After some time, he suddenly thought of something. Hed took out a jade slip and engraved something before throwing it to Ling Xiaoshuang.

Ling Xiaoshuang took it and scanned with her Spiritual Force. Then, she looked at this tall male cultivator in amazement.

This was actually a language jade slip. In fact, the languages ​​of the Cultivation World had long become a common language. Even cultivators who were new to the Cultivation World could learn all language expressions instantly through the jade slip.