The Mountain Gaze Dao Abyss

Pointing at the image of a person with disheveled hair, Chu Manhe said, "It's this person. He hurriedly fled into the Mountain Gaze Dao Abyss."

"What kind of place is that?" Di Jiu asked casually. This was his first visit to the Mountain Gaze, let alone to the Mountain Gaze Dao Abyss. The person Chu Manhe had pointed at was Weng Xing, the person he wanted to kill.

Pointing in the distance, Chu Manhe answered, "Before the second Creation War started, the Mountain Gaze appeared. The Dao Abyss is a Creation Dao Abyss under the Mountain Gaze, where Dao runes surge. Any cultivator who enters that place will obtain a very good chance. Even if they don't, their soul and physical body will be cleansed by the pure Dao runes inside. After the Creation War, although the Dao runes in the Dao Abyss dissipated, that place stayed where it was before."