Behind the Door

At that instant, the first thought that surfaced in Klein's mind was: As expected, Zaratul has a ploy!

Right on the heels of that, he was thankful that he had obtained the correct door-opening symbol from the Antigonus family's notebook ahead of time. With this newfound confidence, he didn't panic and become at a loss.

Zaratul returned the quill and ink bottle to the past, and he lifted his head. Scanning "Gehrman Sparrow" and Panatiya, he said with a sigh, "All the conditions are in place. You can now open the door."

Upon saying that, he fixed his gaze on "Gehrman Sparrow" and chuckled.

"Don't forget to take my urn with you."

Just as he said that, his entire body suddenly crumbled into countless points of light and scattered into the surroundings, fusing into the void. It was as though he had long rotted and turned to dust.