Even Newcomers Are Different Amongst Themselves

Cattleya turned her body slightly to the side and looked at The Magician.

"It's a little complicated. I suggest that you wait for another one to two weeks. I'm unable to promise anything. All I can say is that there should be someone to help you create the mystical item when the time comes."

Should be someone… It also means that it might not be the original Artisan… Does this mean that she's planning on nurturing an Artisan for herself? Or could it be that she's thinking of a way to turn the original Artisan into a Sealed Artifact, using a machine to create machines? Hmm, Ma'am Hermit is indeed an experienced Beyonder… Leonard listened quietly while doing some analysis. It was the first time he was this serious during a meeting.

"No problem." Fors had the utmost confidence in Ma'am Hermit. After all, she had already obtained the Mythical Creature's blood and was likely to undergo a qualitative change in time.