A Thousand-Year-Old Trap


Blasphemer Amon!

Leonard was no stranger to the person in front of him. Not only had he faced his avatar, but he had also heard of "His" various deeds and nasty character from Old Man Pallez Zoroast.

At that moment, Leonard's thoughts nearly froze as his mind went blank. Only a small number of thoughts could spin.

Amon's lips suddenly quivered as "He" muttered a raving that was completely at the level of a deity.

One voice after another echoed in Leonard's mind as though it came from the countless number of Amons:

"Are you pleasantly surprised? Are you shocked?"

"After realizing that I won't be able to get Sefirah Castle any time soon, I shifted my focus to Backlund…"

"If it wasn't to fool all of you, why would I have played such a simple cat-and-mouse game with him?"

"I think you two should be in contact…"