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Boom! Boom! Boom!

The bolts of silver lightning that were as thick as an anaconda struck the translucent black velvet "curtain." It shook violently as it distorted.

Taking advantage of this opening, Reinette Tinekerr's figure, which was reflected on the castle's glass, jumped back into Klein's pocket and returned to the surface of the gold coin in the iron cigar case.

The prepared Klein raised his right arm and calmly aimed the Staff of the Stars at the floor tiles in the hall.

A scene surfaced in his mind. It represented one of the Beyonder powers of a Druid.

The ground beneath his feet instantly softened, turning into a marsh. It made his body sink like it had fallen into a sea.

Underground Slink!


The translucent black velvet "curtain" could no longer withstand the cleansing from the lightning storm the moment the marsh solidified. It curled into a ball and fell back into the castle.