In Modern Day (21)

Looking at the young man with bright red eyes, I snap to my senses. The first thought I have is:

What a waste of a handsome face!

After two seconds, I become somewhat worried.

Is this guy mentally challenged, or just simply mental?

Is he the type of person who easily loses his way to the point that a missing report pamphlet is handed out the very next day?

No, he answered me very fluently just now. He looks fine on the surface… Perhaps he's just bad with directions? Woah! How can someone like this be allowed outside the house on their own? I hesitate for a moment before asking, "Do you have your family's number? Do you need to give them a call?"

The man's expression instantly turns extremely ugly, giving off the feeling that he wants to bury his head in the ground.

"There's no need!" he answers firmly. "It was just a mistake. A mistake. I wasn't focused, as I was thinking about other problems."