Ahead of Schedule

Just as before, a pool of soft green light. Just as before, a party of ten advancing down the corridor. Through the darkness of the corridor, they were like a bright green signal light, drawing ever closer to the crossroads.

Slayer's Heart, who had been leading the way forward, stopped suddenly and signaled for a halt. He listened intently for awhile, and then broke the silence when he said, "I hear a wind blowing."

"Violetwing Venomspiders." Violet Orchid named the source of this breeze, while quickly checking their current location in the Underground Chambers. "We're almost there, just another hundred fifty meters to the crossroads."

"Oh, we've made it that far already?"

Violetmoon Devilite couldn't help butting in to ask, "Wasn't there another party who came in ahead of us? Where've they gone?"