Male Intimacy

Amethyst Slashes rained down upon the Skelewing Dragon, dealing both physical damage as well as humiliation to the Tier 5 Boss. Under Qin Ruo's deliberate direction, devastating physical strikes sought out the most vulnerable part of the Skelewing Dragon—its wings of bone.

Before the eyes of dozens, the Skelewing Dragon howled in agony. Its great bony wings, which helped to hold up its massive body, folded up under the withering assault of the Amethyst Orc. Losing its balance, it tumbled out of the sky!

Already half-frozen by the Compressed Frost Bullet, only to lose its Barrier on top of that, even a Tier 5 Boss like the enormous undead dragon could no longer withstand the furious attacks of the Tier 5 Miniboss, which had been set upon it.

However, the Skelewing Dragon was not to be taken down so easily!